Error: HttpException (0x80004005): 
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed 

Case: Automation of word document in ASP.Net works fine when in debug mode but when published, generates COM Class error.

1. in your web.config
 <identity impersonate="true" userName="allowedUserName.domain" password="thePassword"></identity>

2. in dcomcnfg
Component Service -> My computer -> DCOM Config

find MSWord Process, then set 
Security -> Launch And Activation Permissions, etc as "Customize".  Add user "allowedUserName.domain" with the following permissions: local launch = allow, local activation = allow

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    About the Author

    The author have 12+ years experience in IT Industry with varying job roles from system developer/analyst/consultant positions. Majority of her development, implementation and systems support background focus on Financial/Banking/Credit Solutions.


    November 2010
    October 2010



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